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Final wishes? Let us know!

It’s time to bring this project to an ultimate end and the version numbering already indicates that the game is almost in the state we want to have it.

What are your final wishes for the game?




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  1. Final wish, option menu with configurable controls.

  2. Beez to behave like in original giana after squeze – they should stay on the ground instead of falling of the screen :)

  3. A port to Android. And I guess it should be feasible:

  4. port for jailbreaked iphones would rock! love the wolfenstein 3d port on it but giana’s would give me a new fav :)

  5. Still holding my breath for an AROS version. It should not take much work as has already been done for MorphOS and AmigaOS (many other SDL based games have been ported to this OS).

  6. Something i miss a lot in the gameplay/controls is the possibility to “start a new jump” early “in air”. something that is possible in so many platformers, not having it makes it kinda hard to get a nice flow when jumping a lot.
    You should be able to press the up arrow to make a jump, then pressing up again at once to know that when you hit ground you automatically jump again. grwat game, thanks!

  7. A Port to windows Mobile Touchscreen ;P (HTC HD 2 )

  8. Play it in High Resolution like 1024*768 or higher :-)

  9. A down-loadable soundtrack would be nice, the music is really great.

  10. a naked women just cause thats what the game is about and its a hard game and we all should be happy with the ending after having such a difficult time with it

  11. @ZoidZilla: We like the music, too. Soon we will publish a downloadable Giana’s Return soundtrack.

    @DJPaul Why not make a lesbian show with Maria at the ending? :D C’mon, this game isn’t very hard. Best play with a joypad. Better play our other game SQRXZ ( – and that is what we can define the word “hard” :)

  12. This is awesome, can’t wait.

  13. Hello team,
    i would like to see a professional produced cd containing all versions (plattforms) of Gianas Return. With Cover and inlay. And perhaps booklet?
    And this cd should be playable on Dreamcast. This would be cool!!!!! And perhaps the same with SQRXZ? Gianas Return is a nice game! Greetings

  14. I was disappointed to see no Aros version :(

    Versions for Aros and/or AmigaOS 3.1 (or even 2.04) would be fantastic.

  15. A Nintendo DS port would be nice :-) And a hires version for desktops/laptops.

    The game it selves, rocks !!! :-)

  16. and a psp version or a handy version please please please …. windows mobile 6.5 for my htc hd 2

  17. I would like the following :

    DS Port.

    PSP Port.

    Xbox Port. (no not 360, the original which is currently the king of homebrew)

    and last.. maybe impossible but i’d gladly help
    to convert all the art to 16 bit.. a Sega Megadrive port.

  18. Amiga OS 3.1 port

  19. An 64 bit Ubuntu version would be nice

  20. An updated/final Wiz version would be very nice.
    And anybody see a chance for a Maemo port?
    Thanks a bunch…

  21. A Maemo port would really be nice

  22. I see a lot of people with nice ideas but no one say ok we make it :( a Port to Portable thinks i hope to my Handy (Windows MOBILE ) or PSP

  23. I have found this one one Port to the Iphone but i see no port to windows mobile :(

  24. DJPaul, use your imagination on the title screen an that should do it ;)

  25. Also ich hab das Spiel ja seinerzeit geliebt. Konnte man wunderbar an einem Nachmittag durchspielen.. sogar in einem Zug wenn man in Übung war.
    Dieser Remake ist wirklich gelungen, aaaaaaaaber… habt ihr es da nicht ein bischen zu gut gemeint.. ich spreche hier von den Level ab 50.. die sind ja wohl ganz leicht übertrieben schwer.. bis level 30 spiele ich ohne zu sterben.. ab level 50 brauche ich so 5-10 komplette starts um den level überhaupt zu schaffen.. nunja.. da vergeht dann der spielspaß sehr schnell.. gerade level 54 ist echt pervers..
    Fazit: guter ansatz, gute umsetzung, spielbalance leider mangelhaft…

  26. Port more cool games :)

  27. Joel: this is about Giana’s Return.

    they port two games :-)

    I hope they port Giana’s Return to Amiga Os 3.1

  28. [naked/lesbian] – that would be the day I immediately stop playing this game!

  29. A level editor available for everyone and an in-game menu to select levels and level-packs! That would make the game absolutely immortal!

  30. Ein Leveleditor wäre wirklich eine feine Sache und eine Funktion um diese Customlevels dann übers Hauptmenu als Extra spielen zu können.

    Sprich Leveldatei von anderen Fan´s ins Spieleverzeichnis. Im Spielmenu als Customlevels anwählen und direkt losspielen :)

    Das würde das Spiel echt unsterblich machen!

  31. PSP port , SMB3 worldmap , savefeature , more and various power ups , RPG-mode :D

  32. Eine Welten-/Levelanwahl, entweder in Form einer Übersichtskarte oder schlichtweg einer Liste, aller bereits bestandenen Welten/Level wäre toll. Darüberhinaus könnte man dann die Highscore der einzelnen Level in diesem Auswahlbildschirm anzeigen, verlängert bei vereinzelten Spielern sicherlich den Wiederspielwert.

    Anbei noch nen ganz dickes Lob, spiele selbst die Dreamcast-Version zum zweiten mal durch und bin absolut begeistert. Euer Spiel war für mich auch ausschlaggebend für den Kauf des offiziellen Sequels.

    Weiterhin alles Gute,


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