giana_06112009_100432 giana_06112009_100131 giana_06112009_095607

Current Task

We are working on the manual. This is not something everyone needs, but it will look more professional :)




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  1. Slightly off topic, but what was that “Knock Knock” thing about ? Bye, Magic Sam

  2. Manual, eh?
    Sounds cool, I wonder what new will it consist for those who grown up on The Great Giana Sisters (C64)

  3. @Magic Sam: a cruel joke, that at first seamed funny to the Giana Team, but when then didn’t have the game ready, just mean.

    I suspect they also hand out food to the poor, and when they reach for it, they pull it back.

  4. @Magic Sam: We wanted to see how active the fan base still is, so we can gain some energy from it. A feedback of ~15 people is actually quite a lot and indeed gave us slight extra motivation to finish up things. It’s just about waiting for two people now and we can pull the first release.
    @Louise: You should not take everything offensive, nor talk for the team if you don’t know our intensions.

  5. @Gianas-Return Team: Ok, I understand better now :) I check this website every morning, so tell me when you need some energy ! Keep up the good work :) Bye, Magic Sam

  6. I’m sure the fanbase is much larger and most people probably don’t even comment at all. :)

  7. @Gianas-Return Team: I am so sorry, that I offended the overloads.

    I should have realized that The Giana Team can not make mistakes, and do not like to be corrected.

  8. @Louise: It’s not about being right or wrong and you know everyone can be wrong. After all your comments are still here and everyone can read them.

    As you are a regular blog reader, you know we were talking about July for a release recently – so what did you make think that “Knock! Knock!” could be a release?

    We are sorry if you got it the wrong way, but it was not on purpose nor wanted.

  9. Louise, you are reading too much between the lines. Take it easy, it’s only a game, there’s no need to be rude.

  10. @Gianas-Return Team: Yes, I am impressed that my comments wasn’t censored. Respect.

    About Knock Knock. Reading the comments people have written, it is clear that some got very excited, and thought that the game was done, and would be ready for download.

    There are some in here, that are eagerly waiting for this game, so teasing with “Knock Knock”, which is cryptic, gives false hope that they would get it now.

  11. Hi, i buyed a gp2x and heared from Gianas-Return.
    i wait every day now ;)

    It is very cool that you will publish the game for free, because you have invested your own money.

    Keep going guys ;-)


  12. @ciryx: Well we hope we get the GP2x issues solved soon :) We believe it’s a SDL timing issue with the GP2x port of SDL, so let’s see…

  13. I hope you don’t have too much trouble porting it to the GP32. I saw a post on OpenHandhelds that said you were going to give it a shot, and while I still have and love playing the old v.90 beta, it’d be great to have the updated version available.


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