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Giana’s Return v1.10 for Mac OS X PPC released!

Xavier got his hands on a Mac OS X PPC device and this resulted into a fresh port of Giana’s Return to Mac OS X PPC! Thanks Xavier!

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GIGA Games: Giana’s Return got a 5 Star rating

GIGA Games gave our game five stars out of five :) Thanks a lot.

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Giana’s Return v1.10.2.1 for OpenPandora released!

Giana’s Return has been ported by our team member Pickle, long ago and brought to life on the OpenPandora. Notaz, who can be considered a new Retroguru member, will help out in little things, when his time allows this. So with the main work of Pickle and a recompilation followed by a small checkup by Notaz, we are very proud to announce that Giana’s Return is now up to the very latest release, introducing important changes such as minor graphics improvements. Thanks Pickle and thanks Notaz!

Notaz should be known to most people, as he is the guy behind Ginge and doing lots of other crazy stuff. Welcome Notaz! Check out his page at

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Giana’s Return v1.10 for Dingoo A320 OpenDingux released!

The long outdated Dingoo port of Giana’s Return (v0.99.x) has been finally updated by Artur Rojek and works flawless on OpenDingux now. Who would have ever thought that we get an update ! We hope there are at least a few people out here who still enjoy playing their Dingoo A320.

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