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Sqrxz – Status!

We are heavily working on SQRXZ! The game is fully playable, minor features and little bit of bugfixing is left.

Brief information: Jump’n’Run, Action, Puzzle, Remake, not the real follow up project – just something to refresh our minds.

We will be releasing for most major systems such as GP2x, Wiz, GP32, Dreamcast, Dingoo Linux (Dingux), Windows, Wii, PSP and possibly other systems. As we do have permission from the copyright holder and creator, we shouldn’t be running into any problems releasing for the systems mentioned above.

Prepare for the possibly hardest Jump’N’Run puzzler you have every played! If you can’t handle this game, you better go and play golf :)

(11. 05. 2010) Updates can be get via now :)