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Giana’s Return Windows Level-Codes

We were quite amused when we have found out, that a webpage holds all level codes of the Giana’s Return Windows release. As you guys might find it sooner or later on your own anyway, here is the link.

PS: Don’t try those on any other release, because each system release is having own passwords :) (Nasty, eh?)

PSS: There are also a bunch of other “cheats” not listed on that page linked above



Giana’s Return v0.997 GP32 released

Slaanesh ( ) has released the initial port of Giana’s Return GP32. It runs pretty well and most of you might be astonished about the result. You can get the download from the dowload section.

Gianas.fxe is for NLU/FLU and BLU GP32’s
Gianas+.fxe is for the BLU+

All the data files must go into /gpmm/gianas on the GP32’s SMC.

Please give us feedback on this release and thanks to Slaanesh for his effort to port this to the GP32, it wasn’t an easy task!

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Plans for v0.998

Let’s write about the future of “Giana’s Return”.

The next step will be v0.998 – For now we use different playback methods for different system releases. Goal is to use just one good working (hence the “good working”) engine which plays our .XM files in a proper way. Extended Modules are a lot smaller and allow us to drop the streamed music part. Some releases which are over 20 MB in size, will reduce easily by 50%.

Also in theory streamed music, depending on the quality, takes more CPU power than playing tracked formats. At least this is the result of an interesting experiment, which allowed us to run “Giana’s Return” on a 133 MHZ ARM CPU handheld without any major problems. This means that if the new playback library is integrated, the additional CPU power will be used for the game itself, people who loved to overclock their handheld to get a better result will not need overclocking anymore.

So far there were no major bugs reported for v0.997, so the next release will be probably just having the internal change discribed above.



Official “Giana Sisters iPhone” Video-in-action

ZodTT has sent us an interesting video link showing off the OFFICIAL “Giana Sisters iPhone” game application.

Our unofficial “Giana’s Return iPhone” version, ported by ZodTTD, is on ice for now. Maybe a few weeks or months after the official release, there might be something possible from our side.



Inofficial Trainer for Windows

Christian has made a “Trainer” for Giana’s Return. It’s inofficial and might not work for everyone, still we don’t want to hold this information hidden under a heavy brick. Please check the third post here:

Attention: This is a third party add-on, we DO NOT and WILL NOT give support for it.



Giana’s Return v0.997 Ubuntu (Fix) released

Thor had to fix the Ubuntu release, you can find the updated archive in the download section.



Giana’s Return v0.997c MacOSX/Intel released

Anti ( ) has updated the MacOSX port, please get it from the download page.

This update is only relevant for the MacOSX port, other versions are unaffected.

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Any problems with v0.997?

If so, let us know! Please be as detailed as possible and mention the system you were playing on!



.XM playback libraries

Dear all,

This is more or less a help request as many people we have asked, did not have a solution either yet.

We are in need of a PORTABLE .XM playback library which is available for many platforms or easily portable (considering the source is available).

The standard which comes with SDL is (lib)mikmod, but it can’t handle .XM’s the way it should.

The use of many different libs in different ways just makes it more difficult to get the game ported. Due to the bad playback of mikmod, some systems we support even had to use a “streamed music” solution.

Streamed music unfortunately eats more CPU power and limits the possibilities of possible ports.

In short: If you know any GOOD .xm playback lib, preferably open source, and it’s not bass.dll, fmod or mikmod, please let us know :)

For the final release, we would really like to stick with one playback version.

2 comments “Clicks of the Year”-Games

Seems we got rank number six within the’s years “Clicks of the Year”-Games resume :)


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