Posted January 25, 2010 on 15:16 by Retroguru
Dear all,
This is more or less a help request as many people we have asked, did not have a solution either yet.
We are in need of a PORTABLE .XM playback library which is available for many platforms or easily portable (considering the source is available).
The standard which comes with SDL is (lib)mikmod, but it can’t handle .XM’s the way it should.
The use of many different libs in different ways just makes it more difficult to get the game ported. Due to the bad playback of mikmod, some systems we support even had to use a “streamed music” solution.
Streamed music unfortunately eats more CPU power and limits the possibilities of possible ports.
In short: If you know any GOOD .xm playback lib, preferably open source, and it’s not bass.dll, fmod or mikmod, please let us know :)
For the final release, we would really like to stick with one playback version.