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World 6 completed!

We are happy to announce, that world 6 is completed!

Also all boss dialogues along with the storyline are realized and integreated… things are moving smooth. Let’s see when this “smoothness” will stop again ;)




We had to take a difficult decision. Fact is if we go for too many translations, the release date will be drawn back again. So we are going for

* English
* German
* French



Yes, we are still breathing…

The team is heavily busy with the last steps. Unfortunatly we are waiting for the last graphic set, which is currently the only delay factor.

World 1 to 6 are 95% completed. We are just missing 2 new designed leves along with fixes for 3 existing levels. Also Boss 4 needs some more finetuning.

Please don’t expect us to keep the blog updated too often, we really prefer putting the power in finalizing the game.



We are not commercial geeks!

Let us quote something from our comments, which we feel the urge to answer for:

You guys will run out of time. Giana Sisters DS will be released in June 2009, and Return should have been established at least 4-5 months before to be a competitor. The game won’t spawn too big interest in the shadow of the commercial release. Too bad.

We don’t see us as competitor and specially we do not have any reasons to fight against a commercial release in form of beeing faster. It’s fully legit to the copyright holders of “The Great Giana Sisters” to earn money with their work and we suggest everyone to buy Giana DS once it’s released.

The Giana’s Return Team works on “Giana’s Return” because we love the old classic and we love to create games.  Also to avoid economic conflicts, we wont touch any platform where you can actually buy the commercial game – most of the guys who hope for a platform release on new and heavily commercial active systems, will get probably disappointed anyway – because there simply wont be a public version. We did not work for years to get kicked in the ass by getting a cease and desist letter from a lawyer.

Everyone should see this project “as is”, without commercial interest and without intention to  hurt the upcomming commercial variant. The game is out when it’s done and we wont allow any outside influence on this.



Release Date

Well we gave a release date, which we managed to spoil by two weeks already ;) We had some misleading communication with one of our graphics artists, which caused the last tileset for world seven not beeing done till today. This also means there are no levels for world seven yet.

The game already does have 48 levels + 6 boss stages and some of you might think, that this is already more than enough, but the storyline we have requires us to have seven worlds.

Our hopes are that the game is done within the next month, but as we know everyone is having a real life and this usually also delays things a lot, we count with a 99.9% (hence the 0.1%) release around easter 2009.

Sorry for all to keep you waiting – but we are sure you’ll find the game worth it.

On a sidenote we should mention again that we are not associated with anyone releated to the original “The Great Giana Sisters” game and “Giana’s Return” is pure non-commercial fanwork.



Coder & Orga catched flu!

while our french coder is fully recovered, the organizer has catched a flu – things are going a bit slower now, but we are still working. All hail the glorious flu!



We are taking bets!

How long the game will be delayed? The winner will recieve… nothing ;)



Music Meeting Result

Well… we had a meeting and we wanted to discuss the music. At the end it turned out that we more disucssed the game itself and found out about severall improvements which can be made.

Giana currently has three stages of shooting power, sadly we messed up the possibility to show the strenght…

At least we found many many tiny possibilites to improve things. The music was close to perfect anyway :)

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